Dr. Juergen Harbich,former Dean of Bavaria Administration College, gave a lecture on German FederalSystem: Autonomy Administration and Principle of Subsidiarity to the students from the College of Comparative Law on XueyuanluCampus on the evening of 14 May, 2015.
The lecture wasco-organized by the Sino-German Law Institute and Seidel Hans Foundation. Itwas moderated as well as interpreted by Prof. Xie Libin, Associate Dean of theCollege & Dean of the Institute.
Dr. Juergen Harbichfocused on the German federal system, starting from its history, analyzed theconception of federalism, the power distribution between federal and states,the origin of federalism, and the Constitution's protection to federalism.

During the lecture,Dr. Harbich shared his thoughts with the audiences and explained the historicalreason of the formation of German federal system in-detail to the students by showinga map of Germany territory.

The lecture providedthe students with great insight into German thinking, system and culture.