Prof. Tom De Luca, Director of International Studies Program of Fordham University, gave a lecture to the students on Xueyuanlu Campus on the morning of 5 Dec, 2014. Associate Dean of the College of Comparative Law & Dean of Sino-German Institute of Law A/Prof. Xie Libin moderated the lecture.

Prof. De Luca's main research area lies in political science. His unique angle, as a political scholar, for reading and understanding the framework of American Constitution was an inspiring spot.
Began with the very first Constitution since American Revolution, Prof. De Luca analyzed the fierce argument, purpose, structure, composition, confirmation of Separation of Power sand the balance of the power during the creation course of the Constitution in 1787 from perspective of American reform history. Prof. De Luca especially deducted the process from Constitution' sanctions on slavery to Lincoln's emancipation and then to today's perfection of protections for slaves. He also summarized that the foundation of American Constitution remains a vital role in its development.

At the end of the lecture, the students raised many questions such as comparison with France Revolution and the influences on home constitution when economic reform goes against political reform. The Q&A section was really welcomed by the audiences, hence extending the lecture for half an hour longer.