

日期:2020-05-22 18:53    点击数:    来源:

近悉,我院高祥教授于2003年发表在《圣迭戈国际法杂志》上的The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of Credit: Its Origin and Sources一文被美国关岛最高法院(Supreme Court)在Guam Top Builders, Inc. v. Tanota Partners, 2006 WL 586123 (2006)一案的判决中三次引用,于2002年发表在《宾夕法尼亚大学国际经济法杂志》上的The Development of the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law: the Journey So Far and the Road Ahead一文被加拿大魁北克高等法院(Superior Court)在Alessandra Yarns, L.L.L. v. Tongxiang Baoding Textile Co. Ltd., 2015 QCCS 346一案的判决中两次引用。

此前,高祥教授的英文专著The Fraud Rule in the Law of Letters of Credit: A Comparative Study曾被美国纽约最高法院(Supreme Court)在Fortis Bank (Nederland) N.V. v. Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, 32 Misc.3d 1232(A);936 N.Y.S.2d 58;2010 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 6658;2010 NY Slip Op 52415(U)一案的判决中两次引用。

据不完全统计,高祥教授的论著被国际同行数次引用,更有四篇英文论文被节选编入英美国际商法[1]、国际贸易法[2]和国际银行法[3]教材,还有三篇被从英文翻译成波斯文。[4]高祥教授的专著The Fraud Rule in the Law of Letters of Credit: A Comparative Study一经出版,便在国际上产生了重大影响,国际著名信用证法学家John F. Dolan教授专门为此撰写书评,称其为“a significant work …, a major contribution to letter of credit literature”。[5]


[1] The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of Credit: Its Origin and Sources, 4 San Diego Int'l L. J. 91 (2003)和Fraud Rule in the Law of Letters of Credit in the PRC, 41 Int'l Law. 1067 (2007)被节选编入由WEST Academic Publishing于2009年出版的美国国际商法教材International Business Transactions, A Problem Oriented Coursebook第10版。

[2] A Comparative Analysis of the Standard of Fraud Required Under the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law, 13 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 293 (2003)被节选编入由牛津大学出版社于2009年11月出版的英国国际贸易法教材International Business Law。

[3] The Development of the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law: The Journey So Far and the Road Ahead, 23 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 663 (2002)和A Comparative Analysis of the Standard of Fraud Required Under the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law, 13 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 293 (2003)被节选编入由West Academic Publishing于2015年9月出版的美国国际银行法教材International Banking Law

[4] The Development of the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law: The Journey So Far and the Road Ahead, 23 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 663 (2002), A Comparative Analysis of the Standard of Fraud Required Under the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law, 13 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 293 (2003)和The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of Credit: Its Origin and Sources, 4 San Diego Int'l L. J. 91 (2003)被译为波斯文。

[5] John F. Dolan, The Fraud Rule in the Law of Letters of Credit — A Comparative Study Xiang Gao, 20 B.F.L.R., 281, 281 (2005).