Degree:Ph.D. in Law
Title:Associate Professor of Law
Field of Research: Civil and Commercial Law, Comparative Law
Education Background
1997~2001 China University of Political Science and Law, Economic Law Department, (LL.B)
2001~2005 Pecking University, Law School, Major in Economic Law, (LL.M)
2003~2004 Kyushu University in Japan, Law School, Full-Scholarship Project, (LL.M)
2004~2007 Kyushu University in Japan, Law School, Full-Scholarship Project, (Ph.D)
Working Experience
2007~2012 Tokyo Office of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Law Firm, Lawyer
2012~ China University of Political Science and Law, Lecturer
Academic Research Experience
2007 Research on comparative law at Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (SICL) with full scholarship provided by SICL.
1. The Latest Theory and Practice of Chinese Business Law, Published by Koubundou Publishers Inc., 2011. (Language: Japanese)
1. Formal Convergence or Substantial Divergence? Evidence from Adoption of the Independent Director System in China, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2007. (Language: English)
2. Case Study on General Principles of Civil Law and Contract Law, New Business Law, No.898, No.2, 2009, co-written with Professor Takashi Uchida, who is a distinguished professor in the field of civil law in Japan. (Language: Japanese)
3. Study on Three New Regulations of Anti-Trust Law, International Business Law, Vol.39, No.3, 2011. (Language: Japanese)