Visiting Professor Mr. Johannes Hager gave a lecture to the undergrads on Changping campus on the evening of 9 April, 2014. A/Prof. Xie Libin from the Sino-German Law Institute moderated the lecture. A/Prof. Ding Qiang interpreted the lecture.

A/Prof. Xie first introduced the academic background of Prof. Hager, and then introduced the Sino-German Law Institute to the students and encouraged them to apply for the Institute if they are planning to study in Germany for their LL.M. degree.
Prof. Hager talked about higher-level law, especially the rules related to constitution law. He then used examples of the right of portrait and right of name to explain how German civil law protects individual's private life.
During the lecture, the audiences interacted actively with Prof. Hager, discussing on hot issues like media's reporting of public figures' children.