Professor Salvatore Mancuso, Chair of Comparative Law Center of Faculty of Law of Cape Town University, was invited to give a lecture on African Business Law and Chinese Investments in Africa on Xueyuanlu campus on the evening of 12 Oct, 2016.

This lecture was also the fourth one of the Comparative Law Lecture Series held by the College of Comparative Law. Dean of the College Prof. Gao Xiang moderated the lecture.
Prof. Mancuso analyzed first the different techniques used for legal integration and the possible ways for doing it in a comparative perspective. Then he went through the experiences of lega lintegration in Africa as arising from experiences of regional integration or other international instruments specifically aiming at legal integration. The main examples were analyzed more in detail. Finally, he provided short notes of the implication of such phenomena for the Chinese investments in Africa.
During the lecture, the audiences and Prof. Mancuso had a positive interaction, using comparative approach to explore the distinctions between China and Africa’s social and legal environment together. The lecture provided the audiences with more direct insight of African commercial law and presented the charm of comparative law.