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Institute of Sino-German Law holds Seminar on Sino-German Law

Date:November 29, 2022     Click:     Source:

The Institute of Sino-German Law of the College held the Seminar on Sino-German Law at noon of 29 Nov, 2022.

Dr. Jiang Fengan and Dr. Wu Yiyue respectively gave give a presentation on the Trends in EU Sustainable Corporate Governance Measures and the Obstacles and Challenges for Algorithmic Prediction. The teaching faculty the Institute attended the meeting. The Director of the Institute Prof. Xie Libin moderated the seminar.

Jiang Fengan took the draft directive on due diligence for sustainable development of enterprises, newly published by the European Union, as an entry point and analysed the new requirements of the draft in the supply chain. He also pointed out the new challenges that enterprises in China may meet in the future when they conduct business activities in EU. Prof. Liu Wenjie and Prof. Zhang Tong made a comment and discussion on this topic.

Wu Yiyue analysed the achievements in the judgment document's going online and the establishment of the 'wisdom court' at present in China. He also discussed the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome in the future to realise the algorithm judgment from four aspects, the source of the judicial big data, the legal big data beyond the judicial data, the standard limitation of dealing with the personal information, the algorithm compilation and the algorithm discrimination. A/Prof. Chi Ying and Liu Wenjie commented on the report and participated in the discussion respectively.

This seminar on Sino-German law offered a good platform for professional exchange among teachers in the institute and achieved ideal results.


