Mr. Michael Sommer, the German Trade Unionist leader, the Chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) and the Vice-President of Friedrich Ebert Foundation,visited the Sino-German Law Institute and gave a lecture to the students of on International Convention as Source of Labor Law on Xueyuanlu Campus on the afternoon of 14 Apr, 2014.
The lecture was moderated by Dean of the Institute A/Prof. Xie Libin.
Mr. Sommer focused on the issues of Convention of the International Labour Organization's guarantee to the trade union rights, right of collective bargaining and rightof equality. He also talked about the regulations on minimum working ageand prohibition of forced labour.
A/Prof.Yang Fei and A/Prof. Li Juan from the university presented their comments on the lecture. The students put forward their questions in both Chinese and German, and received humourous and detailed response from Mr. Sommer.