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US Congressional Staff Delegation visited CCL

Date:April 18, 2014     Click:     Source:

In accordance with the arrangement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the 94th Congressional Staff Delegation visited CUPL, and exchanged with scholars from the Sino-America Law Institute of the College of Comparative Law on Xueyuanlu campus on the morning of 17 Apr, 2014.

The members of delegation includes Mr. Christopher Armstrong, Ms. Patricia Williams, Mr. Robert F. Jordan, Mr. Michael Brown and other 8 assistants to the U.S. House of Representatives, Senators and Congressman. Mr. Song Yang from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Liu Yuanxin from Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs were accompanied with the delegation.

Dean of the College of Comparative Law Prof. Gao Xiang welcomed the delegation. Associate Dean A/Prof. Xie Libin, Prof. Liu Chengwei, A/ Prof. Che Hu, A/ Prof. Hu Jiguang and Dr. Yang Ziran were also in attendance. Director of the Sino-America Law Institute Prof. Zhu Weiyi moderated the symposium.

The two parties exchanged their opinions on legislative system of China's commercial law and the rule of law.
