At the German Federal Ministry of Justice's invitation, 22 students from Sino-German Institute of Law, who are currently studying at University of Freiburg, University of Frankfurt, University of Munich, University of Hamburg and University of Kohl as exchange student, attended a 4-day study tour from 3 to 6 December in Berlin, Germany . Dean of Sino-German Institute of Law Xie Libin and Associate Dean (German side) of the Institute Marco Haase led the team.

The tour included visiting the German Federal Parliament, the German Federal Senate, the German Federal Chancellery, the German Federal Ministry of Justice, the German Federal Bar Association and the German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD). Ms. Rechlin from German Federal Ministry of Justice and doctorate students from University of Freiburg accompanied the student during the whole time.

During the tour in the German Federal Ministry of Justice, Mr. Mathias Hellman gave a vivid introduction of the Ministry to the students. Judge Birk presented a report on Review of the Basic Right in the Legislative Process. Dr. Dörrbecker also gave a speech on the EU Law and Domestic Law.

Ms. Julia Kracht on behalf of the DAAD, made a special trip to Berlin from Bonn, to talk to the students and gain a better insight on students' study and personal lives in Germany.

Berlin Tour is a feature event of the Sino-German Institute of Law. Since Associate Dean (German side) of the Institute Prof. Marco Haase assumed office in March, 2007, the Institute has agreed with the German Federal Ministry of Justice that the latter and the DAAD co-sponsor the exchange students a Berlin tour annually. During last 6 times, the tour members have left a good impression on the German Federal Ministry of Justice. Now this event has been officially brought into the Germany-China Law Dialogue Project by the Ministry in order to provide the tour with more assistance.