Degree: PhD
positional title: Professor
E-mail: yuanjianzhai@yahoo.com.cn,yuanjianzhai@gmail.com
Education Background:
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Candidate doctor, Majoring in Roman Law;
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Master(completed), Majoring in Roman Law;
China University of Political Science and Law, Master, majoring in Civil and Commercial Law;
School of civil and commercial law of China University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor, recommended to apply master degree without entrance exam.
Work Experiences
2012.5: Give lectures in “Sapienza ”Università degli studi di Roma to the Association of lawyers of Italy;
Research Assistant under the program of Master in Chinese Law in the Law School of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”;
Teach the Chinese part comparative investigation in the Law School of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”;
2008-present, associate researcher of the Studio of Roman Law and Italian law in China University of Political Science and Law,;
2004.8-2005.7, as a volunteer in the official Program of Alleviating Poverty initiated by Chinese Youth (sixth session) in Balifan High School of Xinyang city of Henan Province.
1. The Function of Roman Law in Contemporary Time (translation), in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 4, published in 2010
2. The Investigation about the concept of right, in Since Roman Law, the Press of China University of Political Science and Law, published in 2008. 5,
3. Reflection on the Tort Law today: Reconstruction about the Original Text of Roman Law (translated), in Diritto Romano, Diritto Cinese, e Codificatione del dirrito civile, edited by Sandro Schipani, Zhu Yong, the Press of China University of Political Science and Law, published in 2011. 7,
4. The Circumscription and Limitation of Ownership: the historical movement since Roman Law to the civil codification (translated), edited by Sandro Schipani, Zhu Yong, the Press of China University of Political Science and Law, published in 2011. 7,
5. The System of Tort Law in Roman Law, (translated), in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 3, Press of published in Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011.8
6. The Religion, Morality and Law in the view of Roman Law, (translated), in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 3, Press of published in Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011.8
7. The Deterrent Function, Civil Responsibility, Tort Behaviour and the Punishment, (translated), in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 3, Press of published in Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011.8
8. The Strict Concept of Damage in Roman Law, (translated), in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 3, Press of published in Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011.8
9. The Lock upon Capital: The Contribution of Company Law in 19th for business Organizers, in Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, book 1, Press of published in Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2007.4
10. The Validity of Time-effectiveness of Obligation on secured interest, (Witten by onsefl) , in Graduate Law Review,published in 2007. 3
11. Da Loro a Noi: Le Migrazioni nel Diritto Cinese, in Atti del Convegno Immigrazione e Integrazione, Approfondimenti tematici, in corso di stampa.
12. The Challenge for the Harmonization of Law,in Transition Studies Review, 2010,Vol. 17, SpringerWien New York
Corpus Iuris Civilis Digesta, (Latin-Chinese) Book 12, The Series of Original Translated Texts, the Press of China University of Political Science and Law, 2012,5
1. The PRIN project on Chinese Law of MIUR of Italy.
2.The system of obligation law in the civil code: from roman law to modern private comparative law.
3. Investigation on classical Italian civil cases, international cooperation project, 2010.5-2013.12
4. The Translation of Italian Jurisprudential Classics, international cooperation project, 2009.12-2015.12
5. The Chinese Translation and Research in Italy, international cooperation project, 2010-6 to 2015-12
6. Investigation of the General Principle of the Obligation of the Project of China University of Political Science and Law
Working Languages:
Italian, English, Latin, Spanish (initial)