Dr.WU Yiyue
Assistant professor, School of Comparative Law, China University of Political Science and Law
Main research interests
Civil Law, Information Law, Comparative Private Law (Chinese-German)
Education background
l June 2021, Juris Doctor (Civil and Commercial Law), Law School of Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
l June 2016, Master of Law (Comparative Law - Civil and Commercial Law), School of Comparative Law, China University of Political Science and Law.
l July 2015, LL.M. (German Law), Law School of Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
l June 2012, LL.B, China University of Political Science and Law, .
Der Ersatz immaterieller Schäden beim Unfalltod - eine vergleichende Studie zwischen deutschem und chinesischem Recht, Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2022. ("Compensation for Immaterial Damages in the Case of Accidental Death: A Comparative Study of German and Chinese Law", Duncker & Humblot Press, 2022.)
Chinese papers
l "German Demonstration Confirmation Action and Its Mirror Reflection on China's Consumer Civil Public Interest Litigation", in "German Studies", No. 2, 2020. (CSSCI)
l "The Use and Enlightenment of Illegal Evidence in German Civil Litigation - Taking the "Dash Cam Case" as an Entry Point", in "German Studies", No. 2, 2019. (CSSCI)
l "The Dual Basis of Claim Right for Buying Known Fake Products and Their Value", in "Law and Economy", No. 4, 2018.
l "New Legislation, Achievements and Shortcomings of Relief Funds for Relatives of the Deceased in Germany", in "German Studies", No. 1, 2018. (CSSCI)
German papers
l Algorithmische Prognose und ihre Anwendung in der Justiz – An den Beispielen der COMPAS-Software und im Bereich der Entschädigung für Personenschäden, in Yuanshi Bu (Hrsg.), Das chinesische Zivilgesetzbuch - Gesamtstruktur und Einzelfragen, Verlag Nomos, Baden-Baden 2022. ( "Algorithmic Prediction and Its Judicial Application: Taking COMPAS Software and Personal Injury Compensation as an Example", in Yuanshi BU (editor-in-chief): "Chinese Civil Code: Overall Structure and Individual Issues", Nomos Press, 2022.)
l Die Eingliederung der Verbraucherverträge in das chinesische ZGB, in Yuanshi Bu (Hrsg.), Der Besondere Teil der chinesischen Zivilrechtskodifikation: Berichte zum ersten und zweiten offiziellen Entwurf, Verlag Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2019. ( "The incorporation of consumer contracts into the Chinese Civil Code", in Yuanshi BU (editor-in-chief): "The Special Section of the Chinese Civil Code: A Report on the First and Second Official Drafts", Mohr Siebeck Press, 2019.)
l Solo translation: "German Inheritance Law" (5th edition), by Mathias Schmoeckel, 473,000 words, Renmin University of China Press, 2020.
l Co-translation: "German Copyright Law" (2nd Edition), by Tobias Lettl, 402,000 words, Renmin University of China Press, 2019. (There are 12 chapters in the whole book, I am responsible for 6 chapters)
l Researcher at the Center for German Studies , Beihang University
l Member of the German-Chinese Labour Law Association (Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft für Arbeitsrecht)