
何启豪 教授

日期:2025-01-14 14:23    点击数:    来源:




09/2024-                 教授 中国政法大学比较法学研究院

01/2017--08/2024  副教授 中国政法大学比较法学研究院

08/2016--12/2016  讲师 中国政法大学比较法学研究院


2018--   中国政法大学中美法学所副所长

2017--   中国保险法学研究会理事

2017--   中国人民大学食品安全治理协同创新中心研究员

2022--   北京文娱法研究会理事兼家族财富管理专业委员会专委

02/2019--03/2019  新加坡国立大学法学院APCEL Fellowship  

04/2017-05/2017  克罗地亚萨格勒布大学法学院访问教授  


08/2013-05/2016  美国康涅狄格大学法学院(University of Connecticut)法学博士S.J.D (论文主题:保险法)



博士论文导师组:Prof. Patricia McCoy(波士顿学院法学院Liberty Mutual Insurance讲席教授,金融危机后协助成立财政部金融消费者保护局并任负责人之一);Prof. Peter Siegelman (Phillip I. Blumberg讲席教授,著名保险法、法经济学专家);Prof. Brendan Maher(保险法中心主任)

09/2015-08/2016  美国波士顿学院法学院 (Boston College Law School) 访问学者 (合作导师暨博士论文导师:Prof. Patricia McCoy) 

合作讲授法学院Insurance Law课程;并选修管理学院Statistics课程,法学院环境法课程。

12/2014-09/2015  美国宾夕法尼亚大学法学院(University of Pennsylvania)访问学者 (合作导师:Prof. Tom Baker,《责任保险法重述》主报告人)

选修沃顿商学院Environmental Sustainability and Value Creation课程;并参与风险管理研究中心学术活动

08/2011-07/2012  美国康涅狄格大学法学院 (University of Connecticut) 保险法LLM (with honors)

UCONN 院长奖学金(Dean Scholarship) 和对外经济贸易大学联合培养奖学金资助

08/2010-07/2013  对外经济贸易大学法学院 国际法硕士(保送)

08/2006-07/2010  对外经济贸易大学法学院 法学学士(with honors)






Climate Change and Catastrophe Management in a Changing China:Government, Insurance and Alternatives, Edward Elgar Publishing (2019).

Reviewed by Chun-Yuan LIN, Climate Management in China, ASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY, Cambridge, Vol. 6, Iss. 2, (2019): 437-440.

Climate Change and Insurance in China: Law and Policy, ‎ Eliva Press (2022).



Insuring “uninsurable” cyberwarfare: rethinking war exclusions and the role of insurance in cybersecurity governance, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, (2025, forthcoming) (with Michael Faure, Chun-Yuan Chen) (SSCI)

Navigating the waves of change—Assessing the evolving landscape of China’s revised marine environmental protection law, Marine Policy, 169, no.11(2024): 106371. (with Mehran Idris Khan, BingYing Dong & Moxin Liu) (SSCI)

Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability for Post-Disaster Recovery: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis on Smart Mixes Between Mechanisms, Sustainability 16, no. 21 (2024): 9534. (with Michael Faure) (SSCI)

Managing Environmental Risk through Insurance: China, in “Managing environmental risk through insurance” (Katarzyna Malinowska & Dorota Maśniak, Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 147-168 (2024) (with Liu, Jing)

Climate Change and Insurance Law, in “Routledge Resources Online - Chinese Studies” (C. Shei & M. Miao, Eds.), Routledge. (2024) https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367565152-RECHS82-1

The Possibilities and Limits of Insurance as Governance in Insuring Pandemics, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 48: 641–668 (2023) (with Michael Faure, Chengwei Liu) (SSCI)

Mitigation of Long-term Risks and the Role of Insurance: A Behavioral Law and Economics Perspective, European Journal of Risk Regulation14:779-792 (2023) (with Michael Faure) (ESCI)

Adaptation to Climate Change Risks and Regulation Through Insurance: The Case of China, Climate Law 12:162–183 (2022) (with Michael Faure);

Compensation for Victims of Disasters: A Comparative Law and Economic Perspective, European Journal of Law Reform 23: 222-241 (2021) (with Michael Faure);

Insurance Law between Commercial Law and Consumer Law: Can the United States Inspire China in Insurance Misrepresentation, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 26: 145-170 (2020) (with Chun-Yuan Chen);

Regulation by Catastrophe Insurance: A Comparative Study, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 24: 189-243 (2018) (with Michael Faure);

Global Climate Governance and Disaster Risk Financing: China’s Potential Roadmap in Transitional Reform, China Legal Science(《中国法学》英文版), vol. 6: 28-49 (2018);

Insurance Law and Climate Disasters, in Climate Disaster Law: Barriers and Opportunities, 348-365 (Rosemary Lyster & Rob Verchick, eds., 2018), Edward Elgar Publishing (with Michael Faure);

Regulation by Government-Sponsored Reinsurance in Catastrophe Management, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 23: 291-326 (2017);

(A post on this article has also been published in Columbia Law School's Blue Sky Blog: http://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2016/07/22/regulation-by-government-sponsored-reinsurance-in-catastrophe-management/);

Mitigation of Climate Change Risks and Regulation by Insurance: A Feasible Proposal for China, Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 43: 319-343 (2016);

Climate Change Insurance and Disasters: Is the Shenzhen Social Insurance a Model for Adaptation?, Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 43: 485-509 (2016); (with Anastasia Telesetsky)

Climate Change, Catastrophe Risk, and Government Stimulation of the Insurance Market: A Study of Transitional China, The Political Economy of Chinese Finance (International Finance Review, Vol. 17), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, 295-340. (2016).

Climate Change and Effective Catastrophe Risk Management Mechanisms: A Law and Economics Analysis of Insurance and Insurance-Linked Securities, International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives, vol. 1, No. 4, 310-332 (2015);

Climate Change and Financial Instruments to Cover Disasters: What Role for Insurance? in The Role of Law and Regulation in Sustaining Financial Markets, 222-248 (Niels Philipsen et.al, eds., 2015), London: Routledge;

Securitization of Catastrophe Insurance Risk and Catastrophe Bonds: Experiences and Lessons to Learn, Frontiers of Laws in China, vol. 8, No. 2, 523-558 (2013); (with Ruohong Chen)












《英美法律变迁对美国法学教育的影响——从<英美契约法的变迁与发展>谈起》,载《中国法学教育研究》, 2017年第4辑;






《案例13性骚扰究竟侵犯了什么权利? —西安女职员童某诉总经理性骚扰纠纷案》, 载马特主编:《人格权法案例评析》,75-80,对外经济贸易大学出版社(2012年)


10/2010 获得中华人民共和国司法部颁发《法律职业资格证书》






2017-今 在中国政法大学讲授“保险法原理”(英文)、“金融法专题”(中文)课程;

2017年6月、2018年6月,为澳大利亚查尔斯·达尔文大学(Charles Darwin University)“中国法暑期班”讲授“合同法”(英文);


教学助理(2016年春季学期),波士顿学院法学院JD课程“Insurance Law”(在Prof. Patricia McCoy的指导下授课);

教学助理(2015年春季学期),康涅狄格大学法学院、对外经济贸易大学法学院和波兰Kozminski University三方合作课程“Comparative Insurance Regulation”;











